The new beginning

...This is the preferred prom gear.

A Marine's dress blues. I wonder if I can ever get the honor of wearing that. As a Marine. I have an idea of how to get myself in those shoes, but a chance which is so small that it is tempting to say there is no chance at all. Perhaps all I need is some time in the military, see how life is, then maybe I can make a sound choice. But truly, I see myself in no other vocation which can sustain me for the rest of my life. Perhaps just a short-sighted youth with no work experience speaking now. I will get that chance soon, a military life awaits me, but I guess I'm going to enjoy my first months of basic.

It's over, an entire chapter of my life. Studies no longer, I will probably reminisnce of this period of life where everything did not matter so much, where innocence still existed as more than just a word in my vocabulary. A reality which will disappear, with the real world sinking in deeper. It's funny how we always look back in wonder, at how we never appreciate the moments where time didn't matter, and life was simply a joy. I probably will only remember the camps, my failed attempts at soccer, my first three months in AJ, my JC life with GC, the Guys(tm), my abysmal friendships in JC, and that overwhelming urge, to join the military. Perhaps I am made out to fit well in SCHCDO, SPECWARTAC.

Prom is the only day in my calender now. A long goodbye, and I truly hope, a last friendship to be made which would last. Thank you for acceptance. I hope I can make the best of what you have offered. May a friendship blossom in fading light.

A true waste of time again, but salvaging as always, a quote.

Someone once told me that time is a predator that stalked us all our lives. But I rather believe that time is a companion who goes with us on the journey that reminds us to cherish every moment because they'll never come again. What we leave behind is not as important as how we live it. After all, Number One, we're only mortal.
-Captain Jean Luc Picard

Don't give a damn about legacy, it will build itself from the way you choose to spend your life. Spend wisely.


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